Cyclocross: Fast Pace and Big Fun

Roanoke Parks and Recreation and the Blue Ridge Bicycle Club hope you are ready for SeptemberCross, a new fall cyclocross series at Fallon Park.

Cyclocross a sport for bikers and consists of plenty of laps on a short course. The course often includes obstacles and driving on both paved and trail surfaces. Cyclists may hop on and off the bike to get around obstacles while carrying the bike. Cyclocross was initially developed as a way for cyclists to stay in shape during the fall off season.

The Fallon Park cyclocross course loop extends more than a mile and winds through a combination of terrains including grass double-track, a gravel road, paved greenway, and a small section of widened single-track trail through a wooded corridor.

The SeptemberCross series starts Sept. 3 and continues each Thursday all month. Participation is free for BRBC members. (If you haven’t already joined, it’s just $20.) Register online or on-site the day of each event.


  • When: Thursdays in September (3, 10, 17 and 24)
  • Where: Fallon Park
  • Cost: BRBC members are free
  • Register online